Education in the early years of a child cannot be ignored. This is a critical stage of development when the child’s brain is growing and making millions of connections. We endeavour to provide a rich KINDERGARTEN environment as a support system to fulfill the educational needs of each child.
Our emphasis is mostly on learning through the senses in order to encourage brain development of the children. The activities which they practice tend to encourage independent learning, self-awareness and self-confidence. We also assist each child to develop a fine sense of social responsibility and eco-friendly living.
We try to inspire children to discover a love of learning in creative and joyful atmosphere. The learning style of our children is auditory, visual or experiential, determined by the requirements of the context. They also receive strong literacy and mathematical skills as part of our pre-school curriculum.
Our child-centred methods include age-appropriate and appealing activities and games. Individualized lessons and self-learning materials, wherever required, are provided. Lessons on courtesy, manners and habits are also given much importance.

- We carefully designed our curriculum to work for the parent on a budget, and provide suggestion for acquiring all of the needed books, music, art and supplies at minimal cost.
- We want our child to fall in love with learning, right from the start. We want to nurture their hearts, as well as their minds. We want their days to be full of discovery and beauty, not repetitive drills and random work book pages
- Education at Wisdom Vidhyashram International School is an integrated process with a flexible curriculum that takes into account the heterogeneity of the learner and learning style.
- Emphasis is laid on acquiring linguistic and logical ability and nurturing multiple intelligences by adopting innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention among the students. This opens up pathways to a holistic and harmonious development of the young learners.
- The pre-primary wing of wisdom Vidhyashram international school has kindergarten classes.
- The innovative curriculum for the pre-primary published by the Council for Educational and Professional Services (CEPS) is in use with the objective of reinforcing values, concepts, ideas, skills and activities.
- The students are graded regularly on the basis of participation and performance in class activities.
- Areas of growth and developments are Physical, Language, Personal, Emotional, Social, Intellectual/Cognitive and Aesthetic Development etc.
The following subjects are taught in KINDERGARTEN
Alphabets (A-Z) are introduced for the scale of recognition of letters and correct pronunciation (Phonetically).
In class KG, the children are introduced to two and three letter words, their pronunciation and written representation.
Develops Child’s ability to recognize and write basic numbers(1-9).
In KG numbers are added (1-100) and The concept of big/small ,more/less etc., with a clear perspective of shapes is taken up.
Awareness about environment and child’s perspective towards self, school, family, cleanliness.
From class KG inwards begins with recognition of letters, pronunciation and use in the form of simple words and sentences.
- Activity based : Child-friendly activities
- Creative Art and craft activities
- Puppets : Use of puppetry to conduct classes songs, rhymes
- Excursions
- Outdoor activities : Games, Swings, Ball pool etc.,
- Stage activities : Dancing, Enacting , Rhymes, Skills
We equip students with the following skills and design our activities to promote them.
- Classification skills
- Conversational skills
- Drawing conclusion
- Experimenting
- Identifying patterns
- Motor skills
- Social behavior
- Observation and recognition skills
- Observing and relating skills
- Ordering and Sequencing
- Sorting and classifying
- Thinking skills
- Understanding concepts
3 | EVS |
4 | ART & CRAFT |
3 | EVS |
4 | HINDI |
5 | ART & CRAFT |
The major areas covered in our pre-school curriculum are as follows:
- Life-skills: Good Work Habits, Concentration, Eye-Hand Coordination, Lengthened Attention Span and Control of Body. The activities include pouring, sorting, care of self like hand washing and dressing oneself, care of the environment like using dustbins and sweeping, and grace and courtesy lessons like saying excuse me and introducing oneself.
- Learning through the Senses (Sensorial): Exploration of the Environment and Refinement of the Five Senses. The activities include sorting objects, matching colours, matching same tastes or same smells
- Languages: Improvement of Communication Skills in Tamil and English. The activities include storytelling, interpreting signs and sounds, rhymes and songs, decoding phonetic words, high frequency words, sight words, diphthongs and digraphs.
- Mathematics: Development of a Strong Foundation in Mathematics. The activities include recognition of math patterns and exploration of abstract concepts through concrete learning materials.
- Culture: Science, Geography, Music, Art and Games. The activities include learning about animals, plants and habitats, learning the names of continents, oceans, seas, rivers, countries and important places, learning about musical instruments and trying to play a few of them, understanding various Indian dance forms, drawing and colouring objects, and taking part in games and yoga.